Kember Loudon Williams is delighted, on behalf of its client Gemselect Limited, to have successfully secured a resolution to grant full Planning Permission for 101 residential dwellings and apartments, at the Former Stills Factory site in Hastings. Permission was granted at the recent Hastings Planning Committee meeting on 23 May 2018, subject to the completion of a legal agreement to secure benefits associated with the scheme, including 25% affordable housing and financial contributions to local play facilities, libraries and Public Rights of Way.

KLW worked alongside Gemselect and the project Architects, Hazle McCormack Young (HMY), to develop a distinctive, contemporary scheme that makes efficient use of the site, which has remained unused since the old Factory buildings were demolished some years ago.

KLW guided the project through the planning process from the Pre-Application Engagement with Hastings Borough Council held in the early part of 2017, a Planning Forum held last Autumn at which the scheme was presented to and discussed with Stakeholders, and then through the application process itself.

The site was allocated for residential development, however KLW and HMY worked to overcome the challenging constraints of the site, and to successfully respond to all issues raised during the process, to secure 26 additional dwellings to the indicative total shown in the Local Plan allocation.

The resolution to Grant Planning Permission marks an important milestone in the regeneration of the Ore Valley area of Hastings.

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