We are pleased to report that our outline planning application for 150 new houses at Slate Meadow, Bourne End, Buckinghamshire was reported to Wycombe District Council’s Planning Committee last night, 22nd August. Members resolved to grant planning permission, subject to conditions and the usual heads of terms.
Fantastic news for our clients, Croudace Homes and Avant Homes, who supported our drafting a site wide development brief for the District Council (adopted in March 2018) and the holding of public exhibitions, together with the evolution of design and development parameters: all guided by a Planning Performance Agreement.
The regular involvement of the Slate Meadow Liaison Group (body formed by the District Council consisting of councillors, parishioners, statutory consultees, interested groups, etc) informed the preparation of the development brief and helped frame the application submissions: supporting a truly responsive design / development solution for this sensitive and prominent site.
A reserved matters submission will be made shortly after the Environment Agency has clarified its position.