At long last the Planning Inspectorate has set out its findings relating to the examination of the submission version of the Wealden Local Plan and has concluded that the Plan is not legally compliant and is unsound.
In particular, it was found that the Council failed to constructively engage with Natural England choosing not to accept their advice in respect of emissions modelling. This led the Inspector to conclude that the Council have overstated future emissions and the likely effects on the Ashdown Forest.
The Inspector was also heavily critical of the fact that the Plan failed to provide for any of Eastbourne’s unmet housing needs and that there was no constructive engagement with Eastbourne Borough Council to address this strategic housing matter.
To view the full letter from the Planning Inspector please refer to the following link:
This will of course have implications for the District and the development community. In particular, the Council will need to secure additional housing land to plug the supply gap (the lack of a 5 year housing land supply against requirements) as soon as possible.
We will be looking into this over the next couple of days. In the meantime, if any of our existing clients or landowners want to get in touch to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01892 750018.